Implementation and governance

Implementation and governance

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This strategy provides a framework for understanding refugee integration and the challenges that our region faces. This framework includes a vision of what successful integration looks like, as well as a set of key priority areas and themes to guide our work and collaborations. For those already familiar with the highlighted issues, the strategy provides a regional resource that can be used to develop new or existing services and approaches to refugee integration and help secure new funding. For those who are new to refugee integration, the strategy provides new perspectives and identifies a number of ways through which they can contribute to the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in Yorkshire and Humber. 

Delivering our vision of refugee integration and making progress in each of the priority areas and themes requires a robust whole-of-society approach, in which all stakeholders have responsibility for, and play their part in, developing welcoming and inclusive services and communities. From the local level of neighbourhoods, associations, and faith groups, all the way to central government departments, and including people with lived experience, this strategy aims to mobilise the wider society so we can deliver on our priorities. 

The Yorkshire and Humber migration timeline

The strategy identifies a range of actors that have strong contributions to make to refugee integration, including local authorities, the NHS, police forces, businesses, the media, schools, universities, and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). Migration Yorkshire will engage with these and other stakeholders from across the region, including sectors and organisations that are not currently involved in refugee integration. This will not only ensure that as many partners as possible are aware of the strategy and its priorities, but are also able to play their part, contributing skills, perspectives, and experiences towards achieving greater refugee integration in the region, for the benefit of all. 

This whole-of-society approach will be implemented by an Action Plan and a new regional Refugee Integration Forum. The Action Plan, to be agreed by key stakeholders, will propose and define practical steps to deliver results on the identified strategic priorities. This Action Plan builds upon available research and integration services already being delivered across the region.  

The Forum will strengthen collaboration between some of the regions’ key stakeholders, including local and regional leaders. It will drive forward the strategy’s vision, promote refugee integration, and help mobilise stakeholders. The Forum, which will be supported by Migration Yorkshire, will bring the strategy and Action Plan to life by: 

  • Raising awareness of the key current issues relating to refugee integration
  • Raising the profile of refugee integration across the region, and nationally
  • Ensuring refugee voices are heard and reflected in the work of the Forum

Yorkshire and Humber is committed to continue to lead on refugee integration. This strategy provides a unique opportunity to consolidate the excellent work that already exists, but also to develop new opportunities to meet the integration needs of refugees, asylum seekers, and the communities where they live. The Action Plan will provide practical tips on how stakeholders can get involved in bringing the strategy to life for the benefit of all in the region. 

Little Amal

I would say it's when you are able to live within the wider community and being able to contribute... I would say somebody who is integrated would be able to work, to advance and provide for their own family and their own needs, and also to be useful both to their own community and the community in general

Living the Weathers and Other Stories, Migration Yorkshire, 2021, p.59
Last updated: 4th January 2023