Migrant information hub

Image of world map painted on hands held out.

About the Migrant Information Hub

The Migrant Information Hub was created by Migration Yorkshire in March 2020. It aims to offer resources and information to service providers to support people with different migrant backgrounds.  It links you to information you can share, in more than 60 languages. 

Use it to:

  • stay safe, connected and informed during the pandemic
  • help reduce the harmful impacts of Coronavirus on Yorkshire and Humber and on people’s lives
Information for individuals and service providers. 

You can sign up to a weekly email to help you keep up to date with date Covid resources, events, training and research.

Where can you access the hub?

You can find the migrant information hub at https://migrantinfohub.org.uk


Logo for Asylum Migration and Integration Fund

Logo for Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber

Contact us

For more information, please contact us at:

Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/migrant-information-hub