UK-wide research about volunteering

This resource list identifies research studies about volunteering around the UK involving people with a forced migration background.

  • Why they do it: a study into the motivations of social workers volunteering with migrants for Social Workers Without Borders
  • Marking Difference and Negotiating Belonging: Refugee Women, Volunteering and Employment
  • Volunteering for Refugees in County Durham: Between Improvisation and Institutionalisation
  • From a/topia to topia: Towards a gendered right to the city for migrant volunteers in London
  • Giving space: Care, generosity and belonging in a UK asylum drop-in centre
  • Volunteers working to support migrants in Glasgow: a qualitative study
  • Volunteer Mentor Experiences of Mentoring Forced Migrants in the United Kingdom
  • Mutating faces of the state? Austerity, migration and faith-based volunteers in a UK downscaled urban context
  • Who Deserves Compassion? The Moral and Emotional Dilemmas of Volunteering in the ‘Refugee Crisis’
  • Opportunities and Limitations for Collective Resistance Arising from Volunteering by Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Northern England
  • Civic Action and Volunteering: The Changing Space for Popular Engagement in England
  • From Refugee to Good Citizen: A Discourse Analysis of Volunteering
  • ‘We make them feel special’: The experiences of voluntary sector workers supporting asylum seeking and refugee women during pregnancy and early motherhood
  • Coping with Vulnerability: The Limbo Created by the UK Asylum System
  • A window of opportunity? Refugee staff’s employment in migrant support and advocacy organizations
  • “What the bloody hell are you doing here?” A comparative study of the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and White volunteers in four organisations

Most of the research papers listed are free to access through online searching. If you have trouble accessing any of the resources, please contact and we can try to assist.

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