Migration news roundup 25 June 2024

View of Houses of Parliament from bridge over river Thames



Stories that inspired us this week

Our region celebrated and commemorated Windrush Day through various events, including an event ‘in conversation’ with four Windrush Generation nurses who shared stories of their experiences, as well as a Windrush cultural day with exhibitions, performances and cuisine. (Sources: Yorkshire Times, Jamaica Society) 

As part of Refugee Week, the Bishop of Dover spent a night on the floor in Canterbury Cathedral to raise awareness of the circumstances facing millions of internally displaced people all over the world. More locally, a special exhibition during Refugee Week in Harehills, Leeds celebrated the legacy and positive impact that people seeking sanctuary have brought to their community. (Sources: BBC, Refugee Week) 

International news

Unequal treatment of different refugee groups, anti-immigrant public rhetoric, antisemitism and anti-Muslim racism are the core themes of the report on racism in Europe by the Council of Europe, a European human rights organisation with 46 member states. Examples cited include a difference in state responses to most people from Ukraine compared with Ukrainian Roma and refugees from other parts of the world which, for example, could be seen in the resources for reception centres. (Source: Council of Europe) 

Outside of Europe,  

UK borders and migration policy

Small boats continue to grab headlines with another record day for arrivals this year recorded. (Source: BBC) 

Specific migrant groups

A report from Refugee Action describes the asylum system as structurally racist and recommends the government commissions a review of structural racism in asylum policy and practice. This comes as another third sector organisation published a research report on the impact of hotel living on the mental health of asylum seekers. Elsewhere, this article explores the legal basis to claims that refugees are required to claim asylum in the first safe country in which they arrive. (Sources: Refugee Action, Helen Bamber Foundation, Free Movement) 

There were few other reports published this week: 

Local residents in Kent protested outside a site planned to accommodate unaccompanied asylum seeking children aged under 16. Kent County Council recently published figures stating that 772 unaccompanied children arrived during for the first five months of 2024. (Sources: BBC, the Guardian) 

Universities across Yorkshire are concerned about the impact of the drop in the number of international students on their finances, with some facing a budget deficit. At the same time, new figures calculate that international students at the University of Dundee make an annual contribution of £329 million to the local economy in the Tayside and Fife regions in Scotland. (Sources: BBC, Scottish Financial news) 

The decision by former Home Secretary Suella Braverman to drop the department’s commitment to meet some of the Windrush review’s recommendations has been found unlawful by the High Court. This included the creation of a Migrants’ Commissioner and to increase the powers of the Chief Inspector. The decision came just before Windrush Day was commemorated on 22 June. Despite the celebrations, Glenroy Bell, an organiser of one of the events for the day, said that there is still ‘bad feeling’ due to the scandal, and that much more is needed to be done in order to resolve this. (Sources: the Guardian, BBC) 

Cohesion and integration

This article describes how the Polish diaspora in Britain has become more visible since the Brexit vote. It looks at rising Polish representation in books, film and music, and how it is influenced by a community’s often difficult relationship with its position in Britain. (Source: the Guardian) 

A group of prominent individuals collectively wrote to the Guardian focusing on a celebration of the history of England’s black football players in light of the Euros. (Source: the Guardian) 

Check out this three minute video of Migrateful, a migrant cookery school dedicated to providing cooking lessons and a safe space for refugees and those waiting for asylum to come and learn together. (Source: AFP) 


Last updated:

25th June 2024

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Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/news/migration-news-roundup-25-june-2024