Wellbeing and other


  • Barnardos ‘Positive Identities -Prouder Communities’  provides support for LGBTQ young people through emotional and one-to-one support. 
    Who is it for: children and young people aged 8-24 in North and West Yorkshire 

  • Bevan Health Care and Wellbeing offers primary clinical care to unaccompanied children and run an after-school club.  
    Who is it for: children and young people aged 6-14 in Bradford  

  • Children’s society ‘HEARTS’ provides mentoring and befriending programmes.  
    Who is it for: UASC who are in West Yorkshire  

  • Chilypep ‘My Mind, My Life’ offers support in identifying skills for personal development and emotional wellbeing.  
    Who is it for: young people on CAMHS’ waiting list and based in Sheffield 

  • Chilypep ‘BRV project’ provides help to acquire tools to better manage emotions. 
    Who is it for: boys and young men in Sheffield 

  • Chilypep ‘Happy Group’ provides support to integrate into their local communities and offer opportunities to influence and shape services available in the area.  
    Who is it for: unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people up to age 25  

  • Kaleido Arts for wellbeing CIC delivers wellbeing programmes to people who have been impacted by war, abuse, or loss through art-based workshops, for example writing, craft, drumming and drama.  
    Who is it for: young people based in Sheffield 

  • Kooth is an online platform which provides a range of mental health support through online forums, messaging, magazines, and an activity centre.  
    Who is it for: young people who have access to internet. 

  • Youth in Mind offer one-to-one support, mentoring, peer groups and buddies.  
    Who is it for: UASC with a proficient level of English in Craven and Bradford District 


  • Barnardos provides support to frontline professionals and foster carers to safeguard children who are trafficked. The service is available in North and West Yorkshire in our region.
  • FYI – Families and Young Persons Information (Bradford) provides advice, information and signposting for families, children and young people.
    Who is it for: professionals working with families and young people in Bradford District
  • Nation Citizen Service (NCS) offer all sorts of new experience for personal and skills development.  
    Who is it for: young people aged 15-17 in the UK with a proficient level of English and who are willing to spend time away from home. 

  • PAFRAS ‘Young Migrants Matters’ offers both immigration casework and wellbeing support.  
    Who is it for: migrants’ children and young people in Leeds.

  • Refugee Council provides advice, information and guidance to unaccompanied children through their service 'Independent Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children Support' (IUSS)

  • Refugee Council offer support through their 'Age Dispute Project' for children who are age disputed by either the Home Office or local authorities.

  • Safe Passage ‘Young Leaders’ provides workshops and training to develop leadership and campaigning skills, covering topics such as public speaking, media, filmmaking, storytelling and developing a voice to make a change.  
    Who is it for: young refugees and asylum seekers aged 16-25 based anywhere in the UK  

  • Together Trust offers one-to-one sleep clinics and online advice.
    Who is it for:  local parents and carers in Bradford District and Craven, Trafford and Rochdale
  • Torture-ID offer health assessment about migrant children and young people for solicitors and social workers. These can be submitted to the Home Office.  
    Who is it for: professionals working with migrant children in Yorkshire and Humber 

  • Twinkl LTD provides free downloadable resources useful to assist young people with their mental wellbeing
    Who is it for: UASC with a proficient level of English and with access to internet

Contact for UASC hub

Your contact for Yorkshire and Humber is:

Delphine Jacobs - UASC Regional Coordinator

Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/wellbeing-and-other