Introduction to Doing volunteering 'well'


This Doing volunteering 'well' toolkit was created by Trace Myers in 2022. It draws together interconnected ideas written, spoken and practiced by different people and communities over generations and continents. The knowledge here is collated by Migration Yorkshire, but largely derived from others’ work; we have done our best to credit people and point the reader to more detailed work for further reading and learning.

We intended this toolkit would be created collaboratively with a broad variety of local people with different knowledge, experience, and power. Though it has not been possible to progress this exactly as planned, largely as a result of pandemic and policy impacts on individuals and organisations in the region, we believe this resource will be most useful and strongest if it is co-created with those it directly impacts. We therefore offer this toolkit as a first draft of a living document we hope to review and revise. If you have any additions, critique or suggestions, they will be warmly received at

Last updated: 13th January 2023

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