After Wilberforce: an independent enquiry into the health and social needs of asylum seekers and refugees in Hull

Campion, Peter; Brown, Sally and Thornton-Jones, Helen


The research was commissioned by NHS Hull to gather views of asylum seekers and refugees in Hull about their lives and health, to consult with agencies concerned with health and social care, to identify best practice and to propose a strategy for the health and social care of asylum seekers and refugees in Hull.


The enquiry combined semi-structured interviews with asylum seekers, refugees, service providers and policy makers, four focus groups, and a two week destitution survey at four agencies. Visits were made to projects in six other cities to learn about services and examples of best practice.

Key issues

The report uncovers examples of good work and examines shortcomings in terms of access to primary care and poor housing affecting health. Professional interpreters are not used as much as they could be. Results of the survey, based on the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust destitution research, are compared with findings from Leeds, showing differences in ethnic mix. Services for asylum seekers in Hull are described. Examples of exemplary approaches to asylum seeker care in Sheffield, Bradford Leeds and Birmingham are outlined. The report also discusses the findings from Hull in relation to existing research and policy.


Strategic recommendations are aimed at health services and suggest strategic leadership and coordination through a Sanctuary Board, use of the term sanctuary, education for staff, and better communication between statutory and voluntary agencies. Operational recommendations relate to TB screening, clinical recording, treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, a welcome programme for new arrivals, and the need for focus on the needs of those destitute, families, children, and trafficked people.

Resource Type
NHS Hull
Published Location