The development needs of refugee communities in Leeds Bradford and South Yorkshire

Choksi, Archana; Berenjian, Marzieh; Chirwa, Hlabera and Nakuti, Dorine


To generate information about the current roles played by refugee community organisations [RCOs] in Yorkshire and Humber; to understand their current capacity; and to investigate their understandings, expectations and roles as the sector becomes more professionalised in its approach to policy influencing.


The research team, who were refugees and / or members of RCOs or known to interviewees, interviewed 36 RCOs: 11 in Leeds, 11 in Bradford and 14 in South Yorkshire, using a semi-structured questionnaire. The report presents a thematic qualitative analysis of findings and descriptive statistics from the interviews.

Key issues

The report maps RCOs in the region, their number, date of establishment, key client group demography, infrastructure, organisational capacity, funding and main roles. It is pointed out that there is considerable research fatigue among RCO members. The role of RCOs in integration and the role of Refugee Forums are discussed, and suggestions made for strategic ways forward.


The RCO sector in Yorkshire and Humber can be characterised as consisting of a very small number of established RCOs surrounded by a periphery of volatile, semi-secure and insecure organisations, all of which find themselves in competition for shrinking financial support. RCO work is focused on destitution, leaving few resources for supporting educational, health, employment and benefit needs.


Recommendations are directed at RCOs, Refugee Forums and those supporting them and relate to support, organisational strengthening, and bridging with the wider society.

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