Maximising the benefits of participation for all

Celebrating participation

Finally, another aspect of building resilience and sustainability is celebrating participation. This includes not only the celebration of projects and activities, but also the celebration and recognition of the contributions of individuals and groups, of their journeys and empowerment. As you establish sustainable engagement with refugees, you will want to celebrate it and its positive impacts not only after individual events or activities, but also more regularly. 

These celebrations can also become opportunities for fostering cohesion and the recognition of diversity. You can involve staff and service users who are not linked in with refugee participation processes. Celebrations can include the recognition of individual contributions and resilience through prizes and awards, which can encourage others to follow in those paths. In the end, celebrating refugee participation as a key aspect of integration emphasises integration as a two-way process, and highlights the positive contributions that your service or organisation can make towards integration by forging positive and enduring relationships with refugees and refugee communities.

Suggested actions

  • Plan and design an annual celebration event for staff, participants, and other stakeholders. Include a recognition of the contributions of participants and others, including the successes and contributions of refugees to their communities. Choose the best possible place and timing and describe the activities that will happen during the event. Don’t forget about the food!
Last updated: 5th January 2023