
Table of contents


With the ongoing skills and labour shortages, the need for access to new talent pools is more urgent than ever. The good news is that there are many highly reliable and skilled refugee candidates in the UK who are looking for work. Sadly, various obstacles prevent them from obtaining meaningful employment. 

Through this toolkit, we’re offering practical advice on how businesses can do both: draw from and support the refugee talent in our region and beyond. 

Who will benefit most from this toolkit?

  • Businesses who are looking for new employees as well as ways of giving back to their local communities
  • Those who support refugees into employment and need pragmatic tools to aid their conversations with employers 

It’s important to note that this toolkit draws from many amazing resources (referenced throughout) as well as direct conversations with businesses, employability advisors and people with lived experience of migration. We’re grateful for the wealth of knowledge that was made available to us during the exploration process. 

Last updated: 5th January 2023

Contact us about employer engagement

For more information or to discuss getting involved, contact:

Ewa Lelontko - Employer Engagement Manager