Yorkshire and Humber Migration Research Network

Photo of a group of about 25 people, standing or sitting on grass in front of a modern building.


Are you interested in migration research?

Do you have a connection with Yorkshire and Humber?

Then this network is for you!

What does the network do?

We bring together people from across the region who have an interest in migration research, to help improve knowledge of the evidence base that exists in the region relating to migration. 

We're also working to improve links between academic migration research and practitioner work in the migration sector.

We currently:

  • Provide a platform for sharing information and good practice, networking and potential collaboration opportunities.
  • Host meetings and events to share research.
  • Coordinate and support a network of postgraduate students who are researching migration topics.

We have members from higher education institutions across Yorkshire and Humber, as well as other interested parties. You can see details of some of our members here. If you'd like to join the mailing list please contact us.

Our events

Our latest free event, 'Current migration research in Yorkshire and Humber', took place on Thursday 7 December. Network members from across Yorkshire and Humber presented their ongoing or recently completed migration research. Please contact us if you would like to see copies of the presentations.

In June a network event took place at the University of York: ‘Hosting and hospitality with refugees: learning from research and practice.' We listened to some very interesting presentations and a panel discussion on this topic, as well as having the opportunity for some fruitful group work.

Group photo of about 37 people in a university teaching room.


On Friday 24 March we hosted a work in progress workshop with PhD students of migration. 

work in progress workshop - web flyer 3 - march 2023


Our first in person event, ‘The challenge of translating migration research into policy and practice’, was on Friday 14 October 2022 at Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield. We heard from speakers including Professor Bridget Anderson, Professor Ipek Demir, Dr Rebecca Murray and Zeraslasie Shiker, and explored issues in workshop discussions.

Professor Bridget Anderson, Director of Migration Mobilities Bristol, spoke to Tesfalem Yemane, Community Researcher at Migration Yorkshire, in an interview that was pre-recorded for the event. Click here for the full transcript of the interview.

Professor Ipek Demir spoke about 'Eurocentrism and Migration Regimes'. Click here for the full transcript.

Logo for Asylum Migration and Integration Fund

Logo for Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber

Contact us about research

If you have any questions about our research, contact us:

Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/yorkshire-and-humber-migration-research-network