Main stage 2023

Yorkshire Integration Festival 2023 main stage


Packed full with performers and artists from across the Yorkshire and Humber region, there was something for everyone.


Main stage performers included:

Punjabi Roots



Unite the Union Brass Band

Nottingham Ukrainian School Choir

Dvi Doli

New World Steel Orchestra

African Dance Workshop

Sheffield One World Choir

KaskoSan Dance Group

a Tai Chi Workshop

Dvi Doli performing on the main stage at the Yorkshire Integration Festival 2023
Dvi Doli performing on the main stage
Punjabi Roots performing on the main stage at the Yorkshire Integration Festival 2023
Festival goers enjoying the performance by Punjabi Roots


Logo - Yorkshire Integration Festival

Logo for Asylum Migration and Integration Fund

Logo for Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber

Contact the events team

For more information or with expressions of interest to get involved, contact the events team at:

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