Global village 2023

Global village tent at the Yorkshire Integration Festival 2023

Step inside the world in a tent

An immersive celebration of connection and community made by migrants and refugees in Yorkshire and Humber. We showcased the diverse range of cultures and customs in Yorkshire and Humber that make our region a special place of integration and potential.

A stall in the global village at the Yorkshire Integration Festival 2023
A stall in the global village tent
Festival goers watching a performance by a flamenco dancer in the global village
Festival goers watching a performance by a flamenco dancer in the global village
Crowds of festival goers enjoying the global village
Crowds of festival goers enjoying the global village


Logo - Yorkshire Integration Festival

Logo for Asylum Migration and Integration Fund

Logo for Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber

Contact the events team

For more information or with expressions of interest to get involved, contact the events team at:

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