Kids Tents 2023

Bubbleology at the Yorkshire Integration Festival 2023


A space for the children of all ages to get involved with a wide range of interactive activities. These included dance, arts and crafts, and face painting.


Kids activities included:
  • The Junkfish tent where kids could get creative making a festival mask, designing their own spoon puppet or just have fun playing at our building bricks and playdough stations
  • The Kaleido Arts tent where kids took got involved with embroidery, bag decorating, drumming and writing inspired by the theme of togetherness
  • The Sheffield City of Sanctuary tent where Dr Nantia Koulidou inspired children to celebrate our cultures through colour and connecting, by making jewellery together
  • Face painting by WOW Face & Body Art

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Logo for Asylum Migration and Integration Fund

Logo for Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber

Contact the events team

For more information or with expressions of interest to get involved, contact the events team at:

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