Young separated refugees in Yorkshire and Humberside

Dawson, Andy and Holding, Sarah


The research project aimed to give a voice to young people who have come to England, separated from their parents or carers, to seek asylum. The study in Yorkshire and Humberside contributed to the national ‘Cold Comfort’ report.


Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 18 young people [16 male and 2 female] from six different nationality groups. Participant observation was conducted visiting 25 young people in their places of residence, social and educational settings. 16 professionals were consulted and some of these were interviewed.

Key issues

The report provides an overview of young asylum seekers and refugees in the UK and local policy and practice. Findings are presented on the impact of forma care provision on the experiences of young separated refugees, including: support from adults, accommodation, education, healthcare, leisure, immigration and legal support; and on the impact of informal care provision, including, families, social networks, racism and integration.


The report concludes that there is a need for local authorities to develop dedicated services, differences in the care received by those whose care is ‘contracted out’ to private providers, and problems for young people placed outside of the authority that has care for them.


A number of recommendations are provided to improve policy and practice around young separated refugees, including taking social networks into account placing a young person, improvements to advice and information, and tailoring of services.

Migrant Group
Resource Type
Save the Children
Published Location

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