Diversity mapping exercise: Yorkshire and the Humber

Williams, Rebecca


To conduct a mapping exercise to identify national, regional and sub-regional diversity initiatives aimed at both employers and individuals.


The research, by the Back to Work Company for the Fair Play Partnership, was conducted through desk research and telephone contact with relevant organisations to gain baseline information, identify service provision, identify useful practice and what is new in the region and to identify gaps. These existing initiatives are described and discussed. The amount of support for employers varies significantly with clear disparities between the sub-regions.

Key issues

The report presents findings on diversity initiatives at national, regional and sub-regional levels. The Yorkshire and Humber region as a whole has a wide range of initiatives to promote and support diversity and issues around diversity. However, it was not possible to say how aware employers of all sizes and from all sectors are of the different services available. The report identifies lack of support for employers on refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers as a key issue.


The report provides a number of conclusions in relation to diversity initiatives and support for employers, and suggests that limited support for employers in relation to refugees and migrants can create suspicion among employers and increases the barriers to employment for refugees and is a waste of their skills.


Recommendations to improve diversity initiatives, information, and awareness among employers are provided.

Migrant Group
Resource Type
Fair Play Partnership
Published Location

Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/research-entry/diversity-mapping-exercise-yorkshire-and-humber