A study of the housing and related needs of the Black and Minority Ethnic [BME] and migrant worker [A8 and A2] communities in North Yorkshire

Steele, Andy; Scullion, Lisa and Morris, Gareth


The research was commissioned by North Yorkshire County Council to explore the housing needs, experiences and aspirations of BME [Black and minority ethnic] and migrant worker communities in North Yorkshire.


The research took place in North Yorkshire in 2009 and included:


  • a desk-based review of available information on settled BME communities and migrant workers including official statistics and other research studies
  • consultation via self-completion pro formas and telephone interviews with a wide range of agencies working with BME and migrant worker communities
  • 464 personal interviews [questionnaires] with members of the BME and migrant worker communities conducted by community interviewers

Participants came from a range of ethnic backgrounds: White European migrant workers, Asian, and Black people. Ages ranged from 16 to over 85 with half the sample aged between 25-39.

Key issues

The report focuses on:
  • housing needs and aspirations
  • unmet housing related support needs
  • specialist accommodation
  • awareness and use of services
  • language and support needs
  • social isolation and personal safety
  • sense of place
  • health related support needs


The report points out that migrant communities need more information about work opportunities and their rights and entitlements and employers should adopt ‘best practice’ when employing them in order to uphold their rights. ESOL [English for Speakers of Other Languages] provision should be extended and service providers need to use interpretation services whenever appropriate. It also argues that there is a need to review accommodation provision to ensure that basic standards are met, as well as accessible information for migrants about housing options and benefit entitlements and how to access them. Information Communication Technology has an important role to play in disseminating information to communities. Furthermore, initiatives such as community forums and events, which promote participation, integration and belonging should be promoted.


Similarly, BME communities also experience language barriers in accessing services and often have little knowledge of their existence. There is therefore a need to target health, housing and other services specifically at BME and communities and to make language support readily available. Evidence of high levels of isolation within BME communities and significant experience of hate crime requires social and community integration initiatives and support for victims in reporting hate crime.

Resource Type
University of Salford
Published Location

Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/research-entry/study-housing-and-related-needs-black-and-minority-ethnic-bme-and-migrant-worker-a8