Website terms


All material published on the website is copyright of Migration Yorkshire [Leeds City Council], except for any material which is marked as being the copyright of a third party. Our copyright and other intellectual property rights are protected by UK laws and by international treaties.

You must not make any alterations or additions to the material on this website, or sell it or misappropriate it.

Information can be downloaded or copied for personal use. If you want to re-publish information from this website, or to use it for something other than your own personal use, please get our written permission first [email us at], and acknowledge us as the copyright owner.

Where the material on this website is marked as being copyright of a third party, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder concerned if you want to reproduce or re-use the material in any way.


Unless otherwise stated, all photos on the website are copyright of Migration Yorkshire. You must not save or use these photos in any circumstances, as they may have restricted permissions from the participants.

Links to our website

You are welcome to link to any web page on our website. Please don't make links directly to documents, or to any other type of file, only to web pages. Please don't host Migration Yorkshire documents on your website, instead link to the relevant web page on our website.

Names and logos 

The name 'Migration Yorkshire', and the names of our partnership groups, plus associated brands and logos are protected by UK laws. This means that none of them can be used without prior written permission from Migration Yorkshire.


We try to make sure the content of our website is accurate and up to date. However, Migration Yorkshire cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or claim arising directly or indirectly from any inaccuracy in any of the material on this website.

If you think any of the information or material on our site is wrong or inaccurate or should be deleted, please email us at or contact us on 0113 378 8188.

Links to external websites

We're not responsible for the content, or any other aspect, of any websites we link to. Creating a link does not imply that we endorse the views expressed on that linked website.

Virus and malicious software protection

We make every effort to virus check the information made available for download on this website. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, disruption or damage to your computer system or information contained on it, which may occur as a result of using material from our website. We recommend that you regularly check your computer for malicious software with appropriate and up to date anti-virus software, and that you run an anti-virus programme on all material you download from the internet.

Contact us

For more information, please contact us at:

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