Research and publications

Photo of a group of about 25 people, standing or sitting on grass in front of a modern building.

Between insecurity and hope: reflections on youth work with young refugees

December 2018

Council for Europe

Description A Youth Knowledge book commissioned by the Council for Europe which reflects on work with young refugees in Europe and their experiences.

Children left out: securing children’s rights after Brexit

July 2020

Coram Children’s Legal Centre [CCLC]

Description A new report focusing on CCLCs own experiences of supporting children to apply to the scheme, it makes recommendations as to how the government can ensure no eligible child is left out of the scheme by its closure.

Children looked after in England - latest statistics

November 2021 [updated]

Department for Education [DfE]

Description The DfE have published the latest stats on children looked after in the UK, which includes stats relating to unaccompanied asylum seeking children.

Children's social care budgets

November 2019

Local Government Association [LGA]

Description A new report from the LGA considers the challenges facing children’s social care budgets.

Civil Society LOIPR Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

December 2020

Children’s Rights Alliance for England [CRAE]

Description A civil society submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child setting out a number of priority issues including a lack of adequate support for victims of trafficking and modern slavery, destitution among families and inadequate options for children seeking protection and separated children in the immigration system, and difficulties regularising status for undocumented children.

Detention of unaccompanied children arriving in Kent during 2020

February 2021

Children's Commissioner

Description This briefing looks at the immediate conditions unaccompanied asylum seeking children faced after travelling to the UK, usually via boat, during 2020.

Education for refugee and asylum seeking children

July 2018

Refugee Support Network for UNICEF UK

Description A new report by UNICEF about refugee children’s access to education [including unaccompanied young people] includes analysis of long delays in accessing education in the UK – particularly for older, teenage children, joining school at exam age.

Evictions - practices that violate children's rights on the Franco-British border

September 2020

Project Play

Description A small grassroots NGO working with displaced children at the UK border in Northern France, have published advocacy reports on children’s rights violations in the region.

Learning from people: the training method bringing service users and social workers together

April 2018

Community Care website

Description Social work students were put together with unaccompanied minors to create a new, collaborative learning space. This report might be useful for those putting together a consultation with unaccompanied children and young people

London’s children and young people who are not British citizens: A profile

January 2020

University of Wolverhampton

Description A new study by the University of Wolverhampton has estimated that over 215,000 children in London are growing up without any formal immigration status.

Nationality and children in care briefing

October 2020

Free Movement

Description A helpful briefing which highlights a recent judgement which stated that local authorities must seek judicial approval if they are unable to gain parental consent for an application which would remove the child’s current nationality

Not so straightforward: experiences of children in care and care leavers in Greater Manchester affected by Brexit immigration changes

October 2019

Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit [GMIAU]

Description GMIAU has released a report about the experiences of children in care and care leavers in Greater Manchester affected by Brexit immigration changes, and specifically those who may be eligible for EUSS.

Relocating unaccompanied children: applying good practices to future schemes

May 2020

EU agency for Fundamental Rights

Description The report examines relocation schemes for unaccompanied asylum seeking children across Europe and discusses some of the challenges faced by various programmes.

Safeguarding pressures research report

February 2021


Description Research report draws together survey responses from 129 of all local authorities in England, to provide an insight into the safeguarding related pressures facing children’s services across the country.

Someone to smile at you, that’s all you need’: life in Yorkshire and Humber for a young person seeking asylum

December 2019

Migration Yorkshire

Description Read the findings of this research, undertaken as part of the Welcoming Young Refugees project, which aims to better understand young refugees’ experiences of arriving in a new country alone, at a young age. Both the full report and a summary are available to download.

Study of children joining family in England under the Dublin III Regulation

March 2021

Department for Education [DfE]

Description A mixed method study to understand experiences of Dublin III Regulation among local authorities, children and young people and their families.

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children briefing

January 2021

Migration Yorkshire

Description An overview of the unaccompanied children and young people who arrive in Yorkshire and Humber to seek asylum.

Wasted childhoods – the impact of Covid 19 asylum delays on children

March 2021

Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit [GMIAU]

Description Report outlining the impact of Covid 19 asylum delays on children in the North West of England.

Contact for UASC hub

Your contact for Yorkshire and Humber is:

Delphine Jacobs - UASC Regional Coordinator

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