User guide: Ukraine data dashboard

This Migration Yorkshire dashboard presents an area profile about the Ukrainian population for each local authority area in Yorkshire and Humber.

Watch this detailed video user guide for more support on how to use the dashboard.

What’s covered in the dashboard?

The dashboard presents data from three different sources:

  • Data about applications, visas issued and arrivals under the Homes for Ukraine (H4U) sponsorship scheme. 
    • This data can be used to understand how many new arrivals local authorities can expect (applications, visas issued) and how many people have arrived (arrivals) to plan support and services.
    • Data about the scheme is released from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) and Home Office, usually on Thursdays and will be updated in the dashboard every two weeks.
    • Data only covers the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme. Data about the Ukraine Family Scheme is only available at national level and has been provided in the ‘National data’ tab for context. No data is published for the Ukraine Extension scheme.
    • Data is linked to the local authority of the sponsor’s address (or accommodation address if different).
    • The data is provisional management information taken from live operational systems and should not be treated as official statistics. It is subject to change and likely to include some duplicate records.
    • Some records don't have a suitable postcode for mapping to local authorities (around 2 per cent). These are not included in local authority and regional counts but are included in the UK national counts.
    • The Scottish and Welsh governments have undertaken to match beneficiaries without a named sponsor at the point of application, to a suitable sponsor in due course. Therefore data for Scotland and Wales in the regional and national counts includes those cases sponsored by the Scottish and Welsh Governments. There is a known undercount in the Northern Ireland arrivals data due to people being able to arrive into the Republic of Ireland and crossing the border into Northern Ireland, who are not counted in the current data feeds from Home Office.
  • Preliminary Census 2021 data about the Ukrainian born population released from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) on 10th March 2022. Data also covers Belarus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia to capture wider populations affected by the conflict and has been included in the ‘Wider affected populations (WAP)’tabs.
    • This data can be used to gain insight into where the existing Ukrainian and wider population groups may be living or shed some light onto which areas may receive high numbers of arrivals.
    • Preliminary data will be updated when official Census 2021 data is released later in 2022 from the ONS.
    • The data refers to the population as of Census day (21 March 2021) so will not include people that have migrated since the conflict started in March 2022.
    • The data does not include people who have heritage or family ties to those countries but were born in the UK or elsewhere.
    • No counts of less than 20 have been published for data disclosure purposes.
  • Annual data about National Insurance numbers (NINO) allocated to Ukrainian nationals. Again, data also covers Belarus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia to capture wider populations affected by the conflict and has been included in the ‘Wider affected populations (WAP)’ tabs.
    • This data can be used to gain insight into the areas where Ukrainians and the wider population groups have chosen to live when they first arrived in the UK.
    • Data about applications will be updated annually when data is released from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), usually in the last week of August.
    • The data shows the residence of the applicant when the NINO was allocated.They could have relocated since or may have been resident at that location or elsewhere in the UK for some time before they applied for a NINO.
    • The main groups that this dataset does not cover are children under 16 and asylum seekers.
    • No counts of less than 5 have been published for data disclosure purposes.

How do you operate the dashboard?

The dashboard has been designed to be viewed on a laptop or desktop screen and is less compatible on mobile screens.

The dashboard presents differently based on the zoom level of your browser. To see the tabs for all the visualisation included in each section set your browser zoom level between 75 and 90%. If you have difficulty reading the text or seeing the visualisations you can increase the zoom level, however the tabs will disappear and you will have to click the arrows to browse through the visualisations in each section.

We encourage you to view visualisations in full screen mode to ensure the complete text, visualisation and labels are clearly visible. You can do this by clicking the maximise icon (circle with arrows which appears at the top right of the visualisation when you hover over it) and minimise again by clicking the same icon.

Dashboard structure

The dashboard is laid out in a similar structure to other Migration Yorkshire dashboards, with:

  • a panel at the left of the screen including information about the time period the profile covers, a link to the original data source (in case you want to download data separately), what is and isn’t included in the dashboard, some brief instructions, links to detailed video and text user guides and other Migration Yorkshire data and statistics outputs and details about our funder, the European Union Asylum Migration and Integration Fund.
  • a header at the top of the screen including two filters which you can use to select the local authority or sub region you want to view.
    • You can only select one area in one filter at a time, the remaining filters need to stay on Yorkshire and Humber - otherwise the dashboard presents ‘no data’ or incorrect data.
    • Data may take some time to load if the dashboard is being used by many people at the same time (a spinning wheel appears in the visualisation). It will be rare for this to happen, however if it does, you are advised to wait for the data to load or click refresh.

The profile for Yorkshire and Humber opens by default (figures in the Yorkshire and Humber profile are a sum or average of local authority figures so these may slightly differ from other regional totals published).

Sections of the dashboard

The main body of this dashboard has four sections:

The top left section provides information about applications, visas issued and arrivals under the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme for the selected area. Click on the tabs at the bottom of the section to see:

  • a timeseries showing visas issued per week since April 2022 (time series for applications and arrivals will be added as more data is released).
    • Information and guidance about data and interactivity is provided at the bottom of visualisations when applicable.
    • You can hover over data points in any visualisation to view a data label.
    • The latest period in the timeseries is referred to as ‘NOW’, to support automation of the dashboard - the specific dates are referenced in the side panel.
  • charts comparing Yorkshire and Humber local authorities and top 25 English local authorities.
    • Consider viewing these visualisations in full screen mode if all local authority or region/nation names are not visible.
    • Click on indicators (applications, visas issued and/or arrivals) in the legend to filter the chart.
  • a table comparing UK regions/nations.
    • Data for Scotland and Wales includes those cases sponsored by the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government. There is a known undercount for arrivals in Northern Ireland due to people being able to arrive into the Republic of Ireland and crossing the border into Northern Ireland.
  • national data about the Ukraine Family Scheme has been presented in the absence of local or regional data.

The top right section provides information about the Ukrainian born population based on preliminary Census 2021 data and the lower left section provides information about national insurance numbers allocated to Ukrainian nationals.

  • Both these sections follow a similar format with a headline indicator and Yorkshire and Humber local authority, top 25 English local authority and regional comparison.
  • Additional charts have been presented in these two sections to show the wider population born in/from countries that may be affected by the conflict in Ukraine, including a:
    • pie chart showing the wider population groups in the selected area
    • bar chart comparing the wider population groups for Yorkshire and Humber local authorities.
    • Click on country labels to in the legend to filter the chart.

The lower right section of the dashboard includes:

  • a map illustrating the various data sources about the Ukrainian population on local authority maps. We recommend you view this visualisation in full screen mode to see maps and pop-up windows clearly. To interact with the map:
    • click the layers list (top right, third diamond icon) to view different map layers.
    • click the eye icon to switch a layer on or off. We recommend you view only one layer at a time, otherwise the map becomes hard to read with overlapping layers.
    • click the legend list (top right, second bullet list icon) to see how data has been categorised.
    • click any area on the map to view a brief area summary.
    • zoom and drag with your mouse to navigate around the map, use the zoom buttons and click the home button (top right, first house icon) to return to the default Yorkshire and Humber view.
  • a final tab providing information about the data used in the dashboard.

Sharing insights

Unfortunately, there is no functionality to download data from the visualisations; you can refer to the link to the original data source in the side panel if you require this.

You can use the snipping tool or print screen functions on your device to take copies of any visualisation (ensure the time period and what is covered or not covered in the data from the side panel is included to avoid confusion).

There is a lot to take in at first sight. We would encourage you to take time to read or watch the user guides and familiarise yourself with the contents of each section (pay attention to areas selected in the filters, time periods, when data is at local, regional or national level, titles of charts and axes and supporting information at the bottom of the section).

We hope this dashboard is useful for you to learn about the Ukrainian population and influence policy and strategy and develop evidence-based services.

This is a new method for Migration Yorkshire to share data and statistics. We’d appreciate hearing your feedback and comments, please contact Qamran Hussain, Data and Statistics Manager on

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