Migration Yorkshire Community Researcher interview questions

1. Please can you tell us why you are interested in this role and in working for Migration Yorkshire. In particular, what is it about this opportunity that most excites you?

2. Please can you tell us about some of the main challenges someone might face who has recently migrated to the UK – please talk about one of the following: refugees, people seeking asylum, or people arriving on work or family visas.

Follow up question: how should services and policy makers respond to these challenges?

3. For this role we’re interested in your experience of qualitative applied research. By this we mean research that aims to understand in a lot of depth or address a particular issue affecting an individual, group or society. Please can you tell us about a time when you have done this kind of research? What were your main tasks?

4. The research team at Migration Yorkshire wants to recruit people from a migrant background to take part in a research study

• What things do you think might be a barrier to people taking part or taking part honestly?

• Do you have any ideas of what we could do to address these barriers?

5. Please give examples of things you would need to explain before the start of an interview with a research participant, to make sure the research is as ethical as possible.

6. Team work is important for this role, especially as the appointed person will have to work with teams at Migration Yorkshire but also with external colleagues at, for instance, IPPR and the University of Huddersfield. Please can you talk about a teamwork situation you were involved in where things worked well?

7. In your view, what are the most important factors in enabling migrants to settle in well to life in the UK?

Contact us about research

If you have any questions about our research, contact us:

Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/migration-yorkshire-community-researcher-interview-questions