Roma families in Leeds. A social audit of their situation, needs and services

Mahoney, Cath


The research was commissioned by the Travellers Health Working Group to draw together information from agencies working with Roma people, the views of Roma people about their lives here and background data on Roma in Europe.


The research included a questionnaire with 36 households, an agency questionnaire on service delivery and emerging issues, and case studies of Roma families collated by workers.

Key issues

The report provides some background to Roma in Europe, findings on Roma in Leeds, experiences of Roma in Leeds, their issues and future needs. These findings include: Roma have come to Leeds from Eastern European countries seeking asylum and as EU citizens. Roma are the largest pan-European minority, and have suffered a history of discrimination and persecution. The number in Leeds is not known, but the population is thought to be young with a high number of children. Families live in the private rented sector and tend to be highly mobile, affecting children’s wellbeing. Roma have come to Leeds to work but are likely to be in low-paid insecure employment. Lack of English is a barrier to progressing in employment and accessing services. Poor health is a concern.


Roma people are likely to have multiple needs and to experience problems of poverty, poor health, and poor housing. There will be an increased need for appropriate and accessible services due to the young population with a large number of children, and the possibility that new Roma migrants will come from countries acceding to the EU in future years.


Recommendations relate to improving appropriate services for Roma people in Leeds, including play services, advocacy and advice, skilled interpreters, recognition of needs among mainstream service providers, forming an interagency group, identifying Roma health needs.

Migrant Group
Resource Type
Travellers Health Partnership
Published Location

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