Migrant workers: impact on local areas and services. Report to the Audit Commission on study visit to Hull and East Riding

Matthews, Roger


The report is part of research by the Audit Commission to examine the role of local authorities and partners in addressing the challenges posed by current and future international migration.


The reports presents findings from meetings with 50 staff from local authorities, public sector agencies, employers and voluntary, community and faith organisations in contact with migrant workers in Kingston upon Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire in May 2006; and eleven telephone discussions and reviewing documentation.

Key issues

The report outlines available migrant worker data on numbers, country of origin, residence and location of work in relation to the local job market in Hull and East Riding. Findings on responding to the impact of migrant workers cover coordination, developing a strategic response, data and intelligence, and information for migrant workers. The effects for specific services are discussed, including adult education, advice services, health services, housing, police and community safety, schools and children’s services, and social care.


A number of issues for central government are identified including issues related to employment agencies, translation of key documents, support for ESOL, vehicle registration, and guidance on the legal position of migrant workers.

Resource Type
Audit Commission
Published Location

Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/research-entry/migrant-workers-impact-local-areas-and-services-report-audit-commission-study-visit