Hong Kong hub for British National (Overseas) newcomers

A skyline of Hong Kong

30 July 2021

Following the government’s announcement in April 2021 of a national welcome and integration package for Hong Kong British National [Overseas] - BN(O) - status holders, Migration Yorkshire has begun work on coordinating the Welcome Programme for new arrivals settling in our region.

Today, we're launching a Hong Kong hub for Yorkshire and Humber, to provide access to useful resources and link people with local services. Migration Yorkshire is currently exploring how to best support the estimated 8,000-10,000 BNO visa holders, and their families who are expected to come to Yorkshire and Humber this year.

'We're in the early stages of preparation of the programme. We’ve begun to make links with local communities Hongkongers are settling in, and started to speak to individuals who have recently arrived in our region to find out more about their needs, worries and hopes', said Ewa Jamróz of Migration Yorkshire, who's leading this programme for our region.

'We're working alongside the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), local authorities and voluntary, faith and community organisations to ensure new arrivals are feeling safe and welcomed to the region and are supported to become part of our local communities.'

We'll be adding more information, links and bilingual resources to the Hub as the work develops, so please watch this space!

Background information

In response to political developments in China, on 31 January 2021 the UK government created a new visa route for people with British National (Overseas) status and their families to apply to come and live and work in the UK.

Up to the end of March 2021, 34,300 BN[O] visa applications have been made and it is estimated that between 258,000 and 322,000 BNO status holders and their family members might take up the route over the next five years.

Contact us - Hong Kong Hub

You can contact us in English or Traditional Chinese/Cantonese.

Find out how we look after your data here:


Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/news/hong-kong-hub-british-national-overseas-newcomers