Economic development and migrant workers in North Lincolnshire

Kohli, Meera


Funded by the Migration Impact Fund, the report examines the employment and skills background of the local migrant community and the potential opportunities for future economic development within North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom.


Interviews were undertaken with 50 migrants [30 male and 20 female] living or working in North Lincolnshire, including Latvians [16] Polish [13], Portuguese [7] and smaller numbers from Bangladesh, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Ukraine and Latvia. The respondents were recruited via English for Speakers of Other Languages [ESOL] classes, an Employment Bureau Job Club, Citizens Advice Bureau and Local Links.

Key issues

The report notes that the vast majority of workers from the migrant worker community in North Lincolnshire are in the secondary labour market and in 3 specific industry sectors: agriculture; food, fish and meat processing; and hospitality and catering. A number of barriers are identified which restrict the employment opportunities of migrant workers, such as non-UK work experience, lack of recognition of academic or vocational qualifications; and poor English language skills. The interviewees lack an appreciation of how to transfer their qualifications from abroad to be recognised in the UK and a lack of awareness of the availability of ESOL provision. The report notes the potential contribution of the migrant worker community to the future economic development in North Lincolnshire.


The report recommends that:


  • there is a greater sharing of information about migrant workers among the different agencies
  • migrant support agencies need to be informed of the changes surrounding EU and non-EU migrants
  • the skills of migrant workers should be mapped to benefit the local economy
  • the availability of ESOL provision needs to be disseminated more widely
  • the voluntary sector should improve the accessibility of volunteering for migrant workers
  • the local authority needs to improve its general awareness of the local migrant community and collect up to date information about this group
Migrant Group
Resource Type