The housing pathways of Pakistani new immigrants in Sheffield

Robinson, David and Siddiqah, Aisha


The report is part of a Joseph Rowntree Foundation funded project to explore the housing experiences of new immigrants during the first five years of settlement in the UK.


In depth qualitative interviews were undertaken with 39 new immigrants, including 10 Pakistani people – six women and four men aged between 24 and 43 years old. All were married, nine were with their spouse, six had dependent children. Seven arrived on a Spouse Visa; three entered as migrant workers.

Key issues

The residential circumstances of Pakistani new immigrants arriving in the UK on a Spouse Visa reflected their reliance on their spouse for a place to live. Pakistani migrant workers stayed with family or friends upon first arriving in the UK before moving into private rented accommodation. No Pakistani new immigrants had entered the social rented sector, reflecting their restricted right of access to welfare benefits, including social housing. Informal networks important for accessing housing. The report identifies issues of housing experiences including that a breakdown in relations could result in homelessness, overcrowding, frequent moves to improve living conditions, and that place was more important than housing to the residential preference of the Pakistani new immigrants.

Migrant Group
Resource Type
Sheffield Hallam University
Published Location