Migrant needs assessment: assessing the health of migrants in North East Lincolnshire

Duckworth, Isobel; Thompson, Glyn; Mullen, Shane; Huntley, Philip; Faulding, Angela and Mallinson, Lynne


The aim of this study was to assess the health needs of migrants in NE Lincolnshire [UK].


A stakeholder survey was carried out with 109 people. Members of the stakeholder group [organisations/ services working with migrants] recruited participants who come into contact and have knowledge of migrants in NE Lincolnshire. Participants were also asked to further disseminate throughout their organisation in an effort to obtain perspectives from all levels of service provision. Eight focus groups were conducted between August and November 2011 which involved 41 migrant participants. A health status survey yielded 52 responses from EU and non-EU migrants who have lived in UK for between less than a year and more than ten years. ‘Hard to reach’ groups, for example undocumented migrants and those who had been trafficked, were not included due to time constraints.

Key issues

The report addresses migrant health, health services, communication and language barriers, employment, and education.


The study highlights that migrants’ experiences of health care are mixed but that the majority are registered with a GP and with a dentist and have access to primary health care. However, many also lack information about services and how to access them and do not have the language support to do so.


The report highlights the need for greater commitment to using interpretation and translation services from service providers. In addition to this, information should be provided on how to access language support, and workshops should be conducted to promote good practice in using language services. Information should also be provided to migrants about the availability of language support. Training should be provided to enable staff to develop more culturally sensitive practice and services. Migrants need to be provided with more information about how the UK health system works and what services and support is available to them.
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