Communities up Close

A group of young refugee girls

About Communities up Close

Our ambitious qualitative research project Communities up Close took researchers to ten neighbourhoods across Yorkshire and Humber, where we talked with over 300 residents and professionals in the region to understand how different neighbourhoods experienced and responded to recent migration.

Neighbourhoods shared experiences, challenges and positive progress. Researchers brought together a variety of data on local demographics, services and migration trends. As a result, we have a picture of change and how different types of areas have responded. This ground-breaking research was the first of its kind in the UK. This research was funded by the Controlling Migration Fund.


What do Yorkshire folk think about migration and integration? Opinion poll July 2020

We commissioned a representative survey, asking people in Yorkshire and Humber about migration and integration in their communities. Discover what they said and what we've chosen as the top four messages from the findings. Or watch the summary in the video below. If you can't play the video below, try it on our Vimeo page.

Read this short report for an insight into how Yorkshire people view the impact of migration on their local communities.

See also: Yorkshire people 'feel more positive than negative about migration into UK' - Yorkshire Post article, 1 August 2020

Research resources to share

Are you working on:

  • Research at the neighbourhood scale?
  • Local engagement with residents, migrants, professionals or council officers?
  • Research about local/social change or on migration?

If so, you might find our resources for research on changing communities useful. They comprise:

  • Fieldwork tools, from screening potential participants to running a focus group and commissioning an opinion poll
  • Informal, candid posts and videos with reflections about different aspects of the project, from writing a funding bid to whether asking about the Brexit elephant in the room would lead to more or less bias; from reactions from council officers with a research site to thinking about sharing the learning.

Here's a collection of videos inspired and informed by our work on the project

Neighbourhood change and migration in Yorkshire and Humber: new report

'Communities up Close: Neighbourhood change and migration in Yorkshire and Humber' is the independent research report produced during the project by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR).

It will give you an insight into comparative findings from across the research sites and a new typology of how 5 different kinds of neighbourhoods respond to migration and change according to their local history, geography and economy.

Download your copy from the link below.

Research report produced by IPPR for Migration Yorkshire (July 2020)