Housing and sponsorship


If you have access to one or more whole houses or apartments that could be used for housing newcomers, you can either register your property on the government housing portal, or, if you prefer, and the property you’re offering is in Yorkshire and Humber, you can email Migration Yorkshire and we we'll share your offer with the relevant local authority staff.

Becoming a community sponsor

If you're interested in working with members of your community as 'community sponsors', to support a person to come to the UK, you can find out more from these pages:

About the Homes for Ukraine Local Sponsorship Scheme

The UK Government has now launched the Homes for Ukraine Local Sponsorship Scheme. Register here if you are interested in sponsoring a person or family to live in your home for at least six months.

Reset UK are making matches between potential sponsors and those who wish to come to the UK on Reset UK's portal www.homesforukraine.org.uk Other organisations that help with matching include:

We are aware that there are many Facebook (and other social media) matching sites. Some of them may be working to exploit vulnerable people, and encouraging people to share personal data. Although some positive matches will come from social media sites, we would advise against unregulated groups and recommend working with trusted groups and organisations instead.

Guides to housing and sponsorship

Reset UK have published the first of their toolkits for sponsors and those approaching the Homes for Ukraine programme.

VITA have recently launched their SafeREFUGE campaign. They have created a downloadable guide that has a range of resources for refugees, hosts, communities and professionals, to help provide a friendly, safe welcome to the UK. There is also an editable host welcome pack that may be especially useful. You can visit the SafeREFUGE website to find out more details.

Contact us

For more information, please contact us at: