The housing pathways of Polish new immigrants in Sheffield

Gryszel-Fieldsned, Tamara and Reeve, Kesia


The report is part of a Joseph Rowntree Foundation funded project to explore the housing experiences of new immigrants during the first five years of settlement in the UK.


In depth qualitative interviews were undertaken with 39 new immigrants, including 10 Polish people – five men and five women aged between 22 and 55, all of whom were in paid employment. One had arrived to study, nine to work, though only four were registered with the Workers’ Registration Scheme.

Key issues

The early housing careers of Polish migrant workers are characterised by insecure accommodation situations. With restricted access to benefits and no formal organisational support Polish new immigrants were entirely reliant upon their own financial and social resources to negotiate access to accommodation. Polish new immigrants tend to be in the private rented sector and most managed to secure a tenancy within a month of arrival. Their right of work and ease of finding employment facilitated securing accommodation in the private rented sector, but they were exposed to unsatisfactory, insecure and poor living conditions. The intended temporary nature of settlement is a critical determinant in attitudes to place.

Migrant Group
Resource Type
Sheffield Hallam University
Published Location

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