Migrant Advancement Partnership. Research Summary

Mancini, Vincent


The Migrant Advancement Partnership [MAP] is a multi-agency group committed to providing equality of access to and awareness of services for the migrant and BME communities of North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. The MAP, through the funding from Migration Impact Fund [MIF], commissioned 2 research reports: Service Access, Awareness and Communication for the Migrant Communities in North Lincolnshire; and Economic Development and Migrant Workers in North Lincolnshire. The third report: New Communities Mapping Report Review of Recommendations was commissioned by the North Lincolnshire Partnership. The aim of this paper is to consolidate the recommendations from the 3 reports into a cohesive action plan and define future work of the MAP.


  1. Service Access, Awareness and Communication for the Migrant Communities in North Lincolnshire  The research aimed to determine the level of awareness and access to services and the best method of communication with the new migrant community. In total, 211 people took part, with over half of them from within the EU.
  2. Economic Development and Migrant Workers in North Lincolnshire  The research aimed to explore the level of education and skills possessed within the migrant community and how they can contribute to present and future economic development of North Lincolnshire. In total, 50 people were interviewed, with the 2 largest groups from Latvia and Poland.
  3. New Communities Mapping Report Review of Recommendations  The research aimed to identify local migrant populations and their specific needs. In total, 54 people completed questionnaires.

Key issues

The report highlights increased numbers of A8 migrants from the new Accession countries that joined the European Union in 2004 residing in North Lincolnshire. The report includes the specific needs and key issues in regard to the new migrant population. It also offers recommendations in regard to communication strategies, health, housing, integration and employment matters.


The report highlights some practical recommendations to improve and strengthen practice in the future, including suggestions around:


  • effective communication
  • English skills, knowledge and translation
  • health
  • housing
  • integration and immigration
  • employment, education and training
  • information provision for migrants as well as front line staff
Migrant Group
Resource Type

Source URL: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/research-entry/migrant-advancement-partnership-research-summary