Sexual health, asylum seekers and refugees. A handbook for people working with refugees and asylum seekers in England.

Wilson, Ruth; Sanders, Marsh and Dumper, Hildegard


The handbook aims to give information and ideas to develop work that promotes good sexual health among asylum seekers and refugees.


The handbook, based on community research, was funded by the Department of Health and written by the Asylum Seekers and Refugees Sexual Health project set up by the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health, the Family Planning Association and tandem communications and research.

Key issues

The report provides a background to terminology of sexual health and of asylum and immigration. The policy context, NHS services and voluntary sector organisations involved in sexual health are outlined. The report provides detailed chapters with guidance, research findings and practice examples on sexual health and human rights; sexual health and the asylum application; general good practice guidance; refugees, asylum seekers and sexual health; sexual health issues, sexual health promotion; peer education; and the roles of refugee community organisations and community research. Sources of international information and an extensive list of useful organisations and websites are provided.


The handbook provides ideas to promote sexual health among asylum seekers and refugees.

Migrant Group
Resource Type
Family Planning Association
Published Location