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Utopian community football? Sport, hope and belongingness in the lives of refugees and asylum seekers
The negotiation of culture in foster care placements for separated refugee and asylum seeking young people in Ireland and England
Precarious Lives : Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ Resistance within Unfree Labouring
Now I Don’t Feel Alone: Supporting refugees and asylum seekers to thrive as parents
Migrants and HIV stigma: findings from the Stigma Index Study (UK)
An alternative perspective: Islam, identity, and gender migration of Sudanese Muslim women in the UK
Foster care, recognition and transitions to adulthood for unaccompanied asylum seeking young people in England and Ireland
Faith, Peace Building, and Intra-Community Dialogue in South Yorkshire, UK
The impact of housing on refugees: an evidence synthesis
Tourism and refugee-crisis intersections: co-creating tour guide experiences in Leeds, England
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