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Precarious Lives : Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ Resistance within Unfree Labouring
Out of sight, out of mind: the exploitation of migrant workers in 21st-century Britain
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 06/10/2022 - 11:56
Forced labour in the UK: JRF Programme Paper
Precarious lives: experiences of forced labour among refugees and asylum seekers in England [research summary]
Setting the record. The trafficking of migrant women in the England and Wales off-street prostitution sector
'The labourers who mowed your fields...' Briefing paper on a church response to migrant workers
Contemporary slavery in the UK: overview and key issues
Wage exploitation and undocumented labour. PAFRAS briefing paper number 7
Migrant workers in the Humber sub-region. A report for the Humber Improvement Partnership
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