A young girl writing the word asylum on a chalk board

Advice, support and information for people who work with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Yorkshire and Humber.

Who are migrants?

At Migration Yorkshire, we use the term 'migrants' to refer to people with a wide range of different types of status.

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A group of young refugee girls

ESOL for refugees: a toolkit for commissioners and practitioners

Are you involved in English language learning for refugees? Maybe you’re a funder, commissioner, provider or tutor?

This new toolkit offers useful guidance and highlights current effective practice in ESOL [English for speakers of other languages] for refugees. It’s illustrated by nearly 50 case studies from across England.

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Hong Kong Advisory Panel

Refugee integration best practice guide

If you’re supporting new refugees who are transitioning from the Home Office’s asylum support system to mainstream services, you may find this good practice guidance helpful.

Find out more here
A group of people linking together jigsaw pieces representing integration

Resources for professionals

A range of guides, publications, and other useful online resources for young people

Find out more here
A person working on a laptop and making notes

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