New interactive data dashboards

Open laptop showing data dashboard

24 February 2022

Explore data about your local area in a new way

Data is a powerful resource and opening it up for people to use can help increase knowledge and awareness, influence policy and strategy and support development of evidence-based services for the communities we serve.

Over the last year, we've listened to people who use information about migration patterns from across Yorkshire and Humber, to understand what migration related data they are interested in, how they might use it and how they would like to access this.

The result is that we've committed to using new technology to produce easy to use, visually engaging, regular data outputs - incorporating open data about different migrant groups and making it available for a wide range of audiences.

Qamran Hussain, Data and Statistics Manager at Migration Yorkshire, explained:

‘Sometimes data seems rather hidden and people don’t know where to start. These dashboards are an exciting solution we’ve developed following what our partners have told us they need - they should enable anyone to directly access public data on migration for their local authority area, showing the most up to date data as well as trends over time.’

Phase 1: four new data dashboards

Today, we're releasing dashboards are about:

  • refugees arriving through a government resettlement scheme
  • children who arrived here unaccompanied and are seeking asylum
  • people who are seeking asylum
  • applications and outcomes in relation to the European Union Settlement Scheme [EUSS]

We chose these groups as routine open data was available, there was a gap in provision and they connect to current policy or service priorities.

Phase 2: future developments

We plan to produce more dashboards focusing on other groups and data sources in the future.

Where are the dashboards?

The dashboards are available from today via our statistics page

Contact us about statistics

If you have any questions about migration statistics, contact us:

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