The Regional Refugee Integration Forum is a strategic forum promoting refugee integration throughout Yorkshire and Humber.



Group of people around traditional food


Over 40 leaders and key stakeholders from a wide range of sectors across the region were invited to become Forum members. These include representatives of Local Authorities, the Voluntary and Community Sector, the Home Office, Employment, Education, Housing, the Police, Health and Wellbeing, Arts and Culture, Sport and Leisure and those with lived experience as refugees. You can find out more about our current membership here.

The Forum met for the first time in March 2022 and now meets quarterly. The aim of the Forum is to bring the new Regional Refugee Integration Strategy and action plan to life, by:

  • Developing a whole society approach to refugee integration in Yorkshire and Humber
  • Ensuring refugee voices are heard and reflected in the work of the Forum
  • Raising awareness of current key issues relating to refugee integration
  • Raising the profile of refugee integration across the region, and nationally
  • Promoting the Regional Refugee Integration Strategy and implement the Forum Action Plan
Yorkshire and Humber Refugee Integration Forum logo

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