Yorkshire and Humber Resettlement Refugee Advisory Group (RAG)

The Yorkshire and Humber Resettlement Refugee Advisory Group is a group of 20 members who broadly represent a diverse cross section of resettled refugees in the Yorkshire and Humber region. The group provides non-binding strategic advice and understanding of the lived experience for refugees arriving in our communities to local and national government and non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) in all areas relating to resettlement.
The group aims to meet every two months to discuss objectives and priorities set by the group members. The group is supported by Refugee Council and Migration Yorkshire.
Terms of Reference
Brief description:
RAG is a platform for people who have lived experience of resettlement, to speak out on behalf of resettled refugee communities, to influence the development of policy and the delivery of key integration and resettlement support services, in Yorkshire and Humber region (Y&H).
The group is made up of individuals resettled in Y&H under the various resettlement schemes (GPP, VPRS, VCRS, ARAP/ACRS, UKRS, Community Sponsorship and other resettlement programmes).
RAG is managed by Migration Yorkshire and the British Refugee Council.
- Provide an advisory and consultation role for key local, regional, national, and international agencies.
- Feedback, raise awareness, and highlight experiences of resettled refugees across Y&H
- Share lived experience to increase understanding of how UK resettlement programmes work for resettled people.
- Promote examples of good practice that have enabled resettled refugees to successfully be part of Y&H communities.
- Contribute to discussions around the existence and need of refugee resettlement programmes in the UK.
The role of advisory member will include:
- Participating in meetings, conferences relating to resettlement.
- Help with organising workshops
- Engaging in research and consultations.
- Support the recruitment and selection of new panel members.
- Attending training relevant to the role.
- Public speaking and awareness raising.
- Media engagement, where possible, supported as appropriate.
- Helping co-design projects and co-organise events.
- RAG has a regional focus, but the remit of the group occasionally extends to engage in national and international platforms.
- The group is made up of a minimum of 10 and maximum of 20 members who broadly represent a diverse cross section of resettled refugees in the region. This includes people of different sexes, nationalities, age, length of time living in the UK, different resettlement programmes, and live in different areas across Y&H region.
- Members need to have good level of written and spoken English. Treat people equally and maintain confidentiality.
- Each member has a 2-year term on RAG, and after that period, can be voted back in on an annual basis. They can also voluntarily step down early by giving a 4 weeks’ notice period.
- The expectation is that RAG members should regularly engage in line with their membership agreement, and to update staff about their availability as and when appropriate.
Governance and group meetings
- RAG will meet as a group six times a year, and members need to commit to a minimum of 4 meetings each meeting will last approximately two hours.
- Option to co-chair specific meetings on a rotational basis.
- There may be additional ad-hoc opportunities presented to members, some of which will be essential, e.g. Home Office consultations.
- Meetings will be held online or in-person during normal working hours and may include occasional weekday evenings/weekends. They include travel across the Y&H region.
- Travel expenses, food and refreshments will be provided for in person meetings.
- Financial incentives for occasional activities will be offered.
- RAG members will be updated after group engagement with external consultations.
Potential benefits for group members
- Opportunity to apply own expertise gained through lived experience to benefit the development of resettlement support programmes.
- Gain understanding of the role of the local and national government in the UK, and how the wider UK’s public and voluntary sector systems work.
- Develop links with, and access networking opportunities through, organisations supporting new arrivals at a regional, national and international level.
- Access to relevant training, references, and certificate of contribution
- Receive reimbursement for a Basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate (DBS will not be a requirement to join the group).
- Using existing, and developing new skills in teamwork and collaboration
- Regular updates about local and regional jobs, training and volunteering opportunities and events
- Stay updated and informed on the national and international resettlement policy and practice.
- Access to free training and development opportunities where possible.
- Job and character references will be provided upon request.
- Access to 1:1 support when needed from Migration Yorkshire and Refugee Council.
- Stay informed about job opportunities in Migration Yorkshire and Refugee Council.