Learning from other organisations

Organisations and networks with peer research expertise

Information and resources about peer research are increasingly available. We hope you will find the following information useful.

The Young Foundation specialises in social innovation to address structural inequality. Its Peer Research Network is free to join and has produced an overview of peer research in the UK (2020). Recent research considered the value of ‘citizen science’ methodologies where citizens are actively involved in research (2022).

A thumbnail image of the front cover of a report called ‘Peer Research in the UK’. The background is dark blue. In the top left corner there is a photo of two young women talking to each other at a table. There are some yellow and green blobs at the edges of the image. At the bottom is the Institute for Community Studies logo which looks like 3 circles drawn on top of each other, and the text ‘Institute for Community Studies, powered by the Young Foundation’.


The National Youth Agency has established the Young Researchers’ Network, to encourage youth-led research. Young people involved in the network have also co-created a research course. Co-researchers published an article on supporting online youth led research (2021). Research published by the youth researchers can be found on the website.

The Young Researcher’s Network logo, which is a black magnifying glass. Through the hole where the glass would be is a banner with stripes in the following colours, top to bottom: pale blue, dark blue, purple, green. The text ‘Young Researcher’s Network’ is on the banner.


The Young Women's Trust takes a peer research approach and has published a report evidencing its benefits (2022).

Thumbnail image of the front cover of the report ‘Peer Research: The Power of Shared Experience. Understanding the importance of peer led research as a driver for change’. The title is at the bottom of the page and underneath is the date March 2022. The background is white. At the top left is the Young Women’s Trust logo, which is a 3D letter W, with the final upstroke made to look like an arrow, and with the text ‘Young Women’s Trust’ to its right. The text ‘Research Centre’ is under the logo. In the centre of the page is a photo of three young women talking, smiling and writing.

Last updated: 30th January 2023

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