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Making Strides: a literature review

This literature review is part of a joint IPPR and Migration Yorkshire research project, Making Strides: Making Strides: Refugee’s employment trajectories in Yorkshire and Humber.

This project is under the umbrella of the Migration Yorkshire led Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber (RIYH), funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). RIYH worked with research partners to develop unique research into refugee integration and create a regional plan shaped by refugees, communities and key organisations overseen by a regional refugee integration forum.

This research project explored the opportunities and challenges presented to refugees and people on humanitarian leave  when searching for employment that offers career progression opportunities. This literature review will outline how job progression has been theorised in existing literature and what research tells us about the challenges that refugees face when looking for good jobs that offer progression.

Making Strides: A literature review’ was written by Amreen Qureshi, Research Fellow at IPPR.

This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of IPPR and in no way reflect the views of the funder, the European Commission or the United Kingdom Responsible Authority (UKRA). Neither the European Commission nor UKRA is liable for any use that may be made of the information in this publication.


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