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Belonging among diasporic African communities in the UK: plurilocal homes and simultaneity of place attachments
‘How other people see you it’s like nothing that’s inside’: the impact of processes of disidentification and disavowal on young people’s subjectivities
No recourse, no support: state policy and practice towards South Asian women facing domestic violence in the UK
The rhetoric of the `good worker' versus the realities of employers' use and the experiences of migrant workers
Community moments: integration and transnationalism at ‘refugee’ parties and events
Employers' use of low-skilled migrant workers: assessing the implications for human resource management
Giving space: care, generosity and belonging in a UK asylum drop-in centre
Exploring older women’s citizenship: understanding the impact of migration in later life
‘Good relations’ among neighbours and workmates? The everyday encounters of Accession 8 migrants and established communities in urban England
Making sense? The support of dispersed asylum seekers
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