Welcome to our events and training page.

On this page, you will be able to find details of any upcoming events or training being delivered by Migration Yorkshire.  You can search by a selected date or simply browse the list of available events and training sessions available.

Each session will let you know if you need to book.  You can find more information by clicking on the name of the event.

How to get in touch

If you want to contact us, please email events@migrationyorkshire.org.uk, and we will respond to your enquiries and suggestions

Crowds enjoying the acts on the main stage at the Yorkshire Integration Festival 2022

Select the dates you want to explore:

Type in the desired date you want to search for (day, month, year format). You can also search through the calendar pop up by using the control and arrow keys on your keyboard. Use the command key on iOS.
Type in the desired date you want to search for (day, month, year format). You can also search through the calendar pop up by using the control and arrow keys on your keyboard. Use the command key on iOS.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

From 14:00 to 16:00

This session’s content will focus primarily on the geography, topography and history of Eritrea. In addition to this, the session will also cover experiences with services that the Eritrean community may face, both within and outside their country of origin. This session will be participatory and rely heavily on participant engagement through case studies and discussion, therefore we highly encourage participants to come prepared to have their cameras on during the session.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

From 14:00 to 16:00

In this session, the content will focus primarily on conditions Eritreans may face in the region (both within Eritrea and in neighbouring countries), as well as cultural norms, customs, and behaviours. It will also discuss the family and social life of Eritreans. This session will be participatory and rely heavily on participant engagement through case studies and discussion, therefore we highly encourage participants to come prepared to have their cameras on during the session.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

From 14:00 to 16:00

Vietnam, a nation steeped in rich history and cultural diversity, awaits exploration. Our Vietnam Culture Orientation Session aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Vietnamese culture. The session will cover various aspects, including:

  • Vietnamese History and Core Values: Delve into the historical tapestry that defines Vietnam’s identity.
  • Social Norms and Etiquette: Understand the unwritten rules that govern interactions in Vietnamese society.
  • Communication Styles: Explore the nuances of how Vietnamese people express themselves.

This interactive session will rely heavily on participant engagement, featuring case studies and discussions. We strongly encourage all participants to have their cameras ready for an immersive experience.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

From 09:30 to 16:30

This session will be delivered by Immigration Social Work Service Ltd and will take place on:

  • Wednesday 9th October 9:30am to 16:30pm

We recommend you accompany this training with the Human Rights Assessment and Working with Young People who are Appeals Rights Exhausted training being delivered the following day (it is a half-day course).

This course is aimed at social workers, team managers, and local authority legal teams. It is only available for those working in Yorkshire and Humber.

A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to participants via email after booking has closed.

By the end of the course, you will:

  • Understand the individual components of the triple planning process
  • Develop your knowledge around the triple planning process and how to apply this when working with UASC (relevant and former relevant)
  • Understand the new rules that have risen from the Nationality and Borders Act 2022
  • Consider creative ways to meet the needs of young people within a complex, often hostile, immigration policy
  • Feel confident in your work with young people, putting safety plans in place to reduce the risk of exploitation and destitution
  • Utilise best practice from around the UK and Europe, implementing this into individual care and pathway plans

Wednesday 9 October 2024

From 14:00 to 16:00

This session will focus on different aspects of Vietnamese culture exploring the topics list: 

  • Customs and Traditions: Discover the vibrant rituals and practices that shape daily life.
  • Family Dynamics and Access to Services: Learn about family structures and essential services available to Vietnamese communities.
  • Migration History and Trafficking: Uncover the complexities of migration patterns and challenges faced by Vietnamese migrants.
  • Vietnamese Diaspora in the UK: Explore the vibrant community of Vietnamese residing in the United Kingdom.

This interactive session will rely heavily on participant engagement, featuring case studies and discussions. We strongly encourage all participants to have their cameras ready for an immersive experience.

Thursday 10 October 2024

From 09:30 to 13:30

This session will be delivered by Immigration Social Work Service Ltd and will take place on:

  • Thursday 10th October 9:30am to 13:30pm (half a day)

We recommend you accompany this training with the Triple Planning training being delivered the previous day.

This course is aimed at social workers, team managers, and local authority legal teams. It is only available for those working in Yorkshire and Humber.

A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to participants via email after booking has closed.

By the end of the course, you will:

  • Understand the timeline of an Asylum Claim for UASC and how this can lead to the Human Rights Assessment
  • Determine when Local Authorities will need to undertake a Human Rights Assessment
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Local Authority towards former relevant UASC who are Appeals Rights Exhausted (ARE) using up to date case law and legislation
  • Develop best practice when working with those who are / or are at risk of becoming ARE
  • Feel confident in your work with young people, putting safety plans in place to reduce the risk of exploitation and destitution
  • Develop your understanding of the voluntary return scheme

Thursday 17 October 2024

From 09:30 to 14:45

About the Training

The Migration Yorkshire ‘Welcoming and Supporting Young Refugees’ training provides a general overview on needs and challenges faced by unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the UK. It is suitable for participants working in the Yorkshire & Humber with little or no knowledge and professionals who need a refresher on supporting unaccompanied children.


Aimed at:

  • Children’s services teams in Yorkshire & Humber (social workers, personal advisors, managers etc.)
  • Foster Carers and Supported Lodging Providers in Yorkshire & Humber.
  • Health and school providers working with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in Yorkshire & Humber.
  • Any professional or volunteer supporting unaccompanied children in Yorkshire & Humber.


By the end of the course participants will:

  • Understand the terminology around migration.
  • Understand the journey, life and social experiences that have an impact on young people’s engagement and mental health.
  • Acquire a general knowledge on processes (NTS, NRM, age assessments etc.) and asylum policies that young people may experience the UK.
  • Learn about mental health challenges faced by young people and how to support them in a trauma-informed way.
  • Gain information and awareness of agencies and resources which will inform and support professionals while working and supporting young people.
  • Have a platform to share best practices and learn of others experiences from across the region.
  • Receive advice and access support to help young people settle into the community.

Tuesday 5 November 2024

From 14:00 to 16:00

This session will cover the history and current events in Somalia, as well as Somalis’ experiences in displacement. In addition to this, the session will also discuss experiences with services that the Somalis may have had. This session will be participatory and rely heavily on participant engagement through case studies and discussion, therefore we highly encourage participants to come prepared to have their cameras on during the session. 

Wednesday 6 November 2024

From 14:00 to 16:00

This session will focus on Somalian society, culture, and communication of Somali communities. This session will be participatory and rely heavily on participant engagement through case studies and discussion, therefore we highly encourage participants to come prepared to have their cameras on during the session. 

Tuesday 7 January 2025

From 09:30 to 16:30

This session will be delivered by Immigration Social Work Service Ltd and will take place on:

  • Tuesday 7th January 9:30am - 16:30pm

It is only available for those working in Yorkshire and Humber.

A link to the Teams meeting will be sent to participants via email after booking has closed.

Course Content

The course is run in the following sections:

  • What is an age assessment and why are they needed
  • The impact on children and young people
  • Case Law, Legislation and Policy (including the principles of a “Merton compliant” assessment)
  • How to conduct a “brief enquiry” and make decisions at the initial point of contact
  • Developing a 6 step process to complete a legally compliant assessment: Decision making around age assessment, planning the age assessment, preparation before the assessment, skills to undertake the assessment, writing up the assessment, feeding back outcome.

By the end of the course, learners will:

  • Understand the differences between a “brief enquiry” and a “full Merton compliant” assessment and when to apply these in their work
  • Make informed, legally compliant decisions around accommodating spontaneous arrivals at the initial point of contact
  • Recognise the impact of these decisions on young people and adults and therefore take an empathetic approach to these pieces of work
  • Develop their understanding of what makes an age assessment “Merton” compliant
  • Increase their confidence in undertaking a full age assessment using a 6 step process
  • Use new and existing social work tools to support the process of undertaking the age assessment in a child centred way
  • Know where to find, and how to use, the most up to date guidance and reports to enhance the age assessment
  • Understand the statutory roles and responsibilities of all agencies and professionals with an interest in the age assessment
  • Write up the age assessment using an analytical approach to evidence conclusions

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