Offering expertise, employment and more

Please get in touch with us at if either of the following applies to you:

  • You're an organisation with capacity to share a particular expertise, and you're not currently part of the network of coordinating organisations.
  • You're an employer with a wish to benefit from new talent and / or a desire to offer opportunities for newcomers.


Settled has set up a new email advice route for EU citizens with settled / pre-settled status in the UK who have family members from Ukraine that they wish to bring here. It is Settled is registered at OISC Level 3 and they can answer emails in English, Ukrainian, Russian or any European language.

Ukraine Advice Project UK

A group of legal professionals with immigration / asylum background and expertise are providing free UK legal advice to Ukrainian citizens affected by the current crisis. Advice is available on The Ukraine Advice Project UK website has information in Ukrainian and Russian

For advice contact:

To volunteer as a pro bono legal advisor contact:  You must be qualified to provide immigration advice in the UK.

British Red Cross

The Red Cross have information for Ukrainian nationals who have lost contact with family during the conflict.