Refugee integration best practice guide

Photo of a group of about 25 people, standing or sitting on grass in front of a modern building.

A guide for local authorities delivering services to new refugees

If you’re supporting new refugees who are transitioning from the Home Office’s asylum support system to mainstream services, you may find this good practice guidance helpful. It comes in two parts, which you can download using the links at the bottom of the page.

Produced by Migration Yorkshire and the Refugee Integration Service as part of Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber

Part 1 – Overview

  • Needs assessment
  • Working with interpreters
  • Refugee move–on
  • Asylum Support
  • Housing
  • Welfare benefits and finance
  • Integration
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Family reunion

Part 2 – Quick guides

  • Types of immigration status
  • 28 day ‘grace period’
  • Bank accounts
  • Local connection
  • Welfare benefits and finance
  • Education for refugees
  • Refugee family reunion
  • Health access for refugees
  • Children and young people
  • Private renting guide for new refugees 

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